An Obsession with Bottles/Les bouteilles : une obsession

Bottles #4
18" x 24"

Bottles #1 Watercolour
18" x 24"
Bottles #2
18" x 24"

Bottles #5
14" x 20"

My bottle obsession is an extension of family tradition. My parents collected bottles, antique and modern, and always had them displayed in windows in their houses. I consider my paintings of bottles to be portraits, of the bottles themselves, which have lots of character, and also of old friends with whom I grew up. Still life allows me to explore relationships between the objects, and between the objects and the space around them. Plusieures des bouteilles dans mes peintures ont été acquis par mes parents, et ce sont de vieux amies. Ces natures mortes sont aussi des portraits de famille.  travers ces compositions, je tends de pousser les frontières du réalisme et de la perspective.

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