TEN STROKES OF THE BRUSH/Dix coups de pinceaux, 2009

Ten Strokes of the Brush 2009 was the second exhibit of watercolours put on by a group of Montreal women. We have been meeting since 2007, to show and critique our work, share information, and encourage each other in our painting. The first exhibit, in Fall of 2008, (see Archives) was so much fun that we decided on the spot to do it again the next year. We are planning another exhibit for the Spring of 2011. En octobre 2009, mon groupe d'aquarellistes a monté une exposition entitulée Dix coups de pinceaux. Depuis 2007 nous nous rencontrons régulièrement pour but de partager nos oeuvres, de l'information, des critiques et de l'encouragement. Notre prochaine exposition est planifiée pour le printemps de 2011.