
Voyage in a Square
7.5" x 7.5"

Voyage #1
7.5" x 13"

I love to experiment with gouache, both in conjunction with watercolour and on its own. The “Voyages” series is an obsession, purely with colour and composition. Using only three tubes of paint in any painting, I can mix a huge variety of colours. The paintings are voyages to new worlds of colour and mood.
J'adore la gouache, soit tout seul ou avec de l'aquarelle. La série "Voyages" représente une obsession avec la couleur et la composition. La plupart des oeuvres sont faits de mélanges de trois couleurs seulement. Les peintures sont des voyages dans un monde de couleur et d'ambience.

Tiny Voyage
3" x 5"

Voyage #2
22" x 7"

Voyage #3
14" x 6"


The Look (Esther at 80)
Watercolour, graphite and collage
11" x 15"

I love portraits, and have done many self-portraits and portraits of my family over the years, whether drawing or painting. With the death of my father in 1996, and the declining health of my mother, I sought to express some of my feelings through a series of family portraits in ink and watercolour. These drawings and paintings are done from life, from sketches and from family photographs.
Depuis des années je fait des portraits de mes proches et des auto-portraits. Lors du decès de mon père en 1996, et le déclin de la santé de ma mère, je me suis exprimée à travers une série de portraits de ma famille, en encre de chine et en aquarelle.

14" x 18"

Esther at 5
Ink on watercolour paper
5" x 5"

Noni at 5 (self portrait)
Ink and watercolour
5" x 5"

An Obsession with Bottles/Les bouteilles : une obsession

Bottles #4
18" x 24"

Bottles #1 Watercolour
18" x 24"
Bottles #2
18" x 24"

Bottles #5
14" x 20"

My bottle obsession is an extension of family tradition. My parents collected bottles, antique and modern, and always had them displayed in windows in their houses. I consider my paintings of bottles to be portraits, of the bottles themselves, which have lots of character, and also of old friends with whom I grew up. Still life allows me to explore relationships between the objects, and between the objects and the space around them. Plusieures des bouteilles dans mes peintures ont été acquis par mes parents, et ce sont de vieux amies. Ces natures mortes sont aussi des portraits de famille.  travers ces compositions, je tends de pousser les frontières du réalisme et de la perspective.

Calligraphy Abstracts

Calligraphy #4
11" x 15"
Calligraphy #5
11" x 15"
Calligraphy #2
7.5" x 11"
Calligraphy #3
7.5" x 11"
Calligraphy #1
7.5" x 11"

Flowers and plants

Red Plant
Watercolour and gouache
15" x 18", matted
Green Vase
20" x 14"
Blue Vase
11" x 15"
Water Flowers #3
7.5" X 11"
7.5" x 11"
Flower Couple
7.5" x 11"

Ten Strokes of the Brush/Dix coups de pinceaux, 2008

In 2007, a group of women who take courses at the Visual Arts Centre in Montreal decided to get together and organize an exhibit of our watercolours. We are ten women, from our forties to sixties, from a wide variety of backgrounds and professions, who are all passionate about watercolour. Some of us are landscape artists, some do still life, and others are mostly into abstract painting. Some are very delicate and subtle painters, and some are very powerful, with all kind of varieties in between. For most of us it was our first exhibit, and we had quite an interesting year getting it organized. The exhibit was a great success and we had lots of fun.